SID Gives Award of Excellency to Master Guide Lincy Kilembe
Updated: Apr 28, 2019
The Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Adventist Youth Ministries (SID AYM), on April 20, 2019, awarded Master Guide Lincy Kilembe as one of the leaders who have excellently contributed to the successes of Youth Ministries.
This happened during the closing ceremony of the 3rd SID Pathfinder camporee at Mopani Lodge in Pretoria in the Republic of South Africa.
The award, called "Pathfinder Excellence Award", was presented to eight Master Guides from four conferences of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Malawi.
SID AYM youth director Pastor Busi Khumalo, presented the award together with respective Union Directors.
In his remarks Khumalo said that it is important to recognise and appreciate the great work which leaders do in the youth ministry.
"It is very important to honor the leaders who are doing well in the ministry so that we motivate them and encourage others", he said.
Lincy is the Central Malawi Conference youth ministries treasurer and a member of the Malawi Union Conference Adventist Youth Ministries (MUC AYM) Executive Committee. She was awarded together with MacDonald Mpalika, the former South Malawi Conference AYM chairperson.
Speaking after the award, MUC youth Director Pastor Dr. Elphes Luwani said that the awarding of two officers from MUC shows that we have powerful youth leaders in Malawi.
Expressing her joy, Master Guide Kilembe said she is humbled to have been given such an such an honour.
Before presenting the awards, Busi also presided over Master Guide, Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) and Advanced Pathfinder Leadership Award (APLA) investiture. The SID youth leader said that PLA and APLA are not Masters or PhD as often refereed to, but rather levels in youth leadership development which starts with Master Guide.