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Health Ministries & Voice of Prophecy (VOP)

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The church accepts its responsibility to make Christ known to the world and believes this includes a moral obligation to preserve human dignity by obtaining optimal levels of physical, mental, and spiritual health. In addition to ministering to those who are ill, this responsibility extends to the prevention of disease through effective health educatioand leadership in promoting optimum health, free of tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and unclean foods. Where possible, members shall be encouraged to follow a primarily vegetarian diet.

Health Ministries Leader

For an efficient program to be planned and implemented in the church, it is necessary for the church to elect a Health Ministries leader. He/She should be health-oriented and interested in promoting the church’s standards in healthful living among the members and in the community through church-operated health ministries programs. The leader should be able to screen programs and information that are representative of the ideals and philosophy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to integrate them into an effective spiritual-physical witness.

Elder Samson Kumphale, Director of Health Ministries & VOP

Phone +265-884-834775, + 265-995-584038


Voice of Prophesy is a God given, powerful weapon which when put to good use, can be a timely instrument in taking the gospel to the unreached and unconverted.

Introducing CMC VOP task force

In order to strengthen the work force at conference level, an existing team of 5 was given a fresh mandate to continue working with the directorate. The team comprises of Mr. E. Chikolere of Lilongwe NW, Mr. E Mlundira of Lingadzi district, Mr. GMS Mphoka of Kawale, Ms. A. Lemani of Chilinde and Mrs. D. Kunjawa of Biwi district.


VOP activities 2016

16th January 2016 was the second Sabbath for the year. Mtunthama Seventh-day in Kasungu, was the first church to hold VOP graduation. In this District, 271 lessons had been issued, 57 candidates graduated of which 22 candidates were baptized. During the second quarter for 2016, Mtunthama Seventh-day Adventist graduated 81 people of which 8 were baptized. We praise God for the souls that have known the truth.

Since then, there have been VOP graduations at Lingadzi district, Area 24 Seventh-day Adventist church, Tambalale Seventh-day Adevntist church,  Ngwenya Seventh-day Adventist church, Mtunthama Seventh-day Adventist church,  Malombe District, Chilinde Seventh-day Adventist church and Mua Seventh-day Adventist church.

VOP graduation ceremony in Lilongwe

​Elisa Milliward, pictured to your right, was a former Jehovah’s Witness member. He bought a small book from a literature evangelist, Mrs Magalasi, entitled “Uli kunka Kuti” he read the book and kept wondering about the contents. Elisa later joined a theological college for a Ministerial diploma. “Although I was studying theology, I still felt empty within” recalled Elisa. He then met Mrs. Kanchanda who enrolled him to VOP School. After finishing the lessons, he felt that inner peace and he could not hide his satisfaction from his new found faith. Elisa was very happy, as he, with 18 others graduated on 20th February, 2016 at Ngwenya SDA Church.


Defying All Odds: 67 Year Old Mayi Chimbanga Tunrs to Jesus!

Mai Limbanga is 67 years of age and acted against all odds. She enrolled her own candidate for VOP lessons and this candidate was one of the graduates at Ngwenya SDA church. There is no age limitation to evangelism.

VOP Graduation at Tambalale SDA Church, 5th March 2016:


Glory and honour be to God for the families of Mr and Mrs Harry and Mr and Mrs Chirwa! The 11 candidates that graduated at Tambalale SDA church on 5th March 2016 were enrolled to VOP School by the two families. We can all take part as families in the great commission, as we work in the Lord’s vineyard.

God does it again for Mua Seventh-day Adventist Church: This is a true mission story

Grace Solace Ratahi, is a high school student from New Zealand. She came to Malawi as a volunteer for a period of 4 months. Grace was teaching Bible Knowledge and Life Skills at Mua Primary School. Grace had a burning desire to widen and deepen her knowledge about the Bible in order to equip herself better for the subject. God is always there for those who seek Him. Grace was led to Winter Sozinyo, who works as an Adventist Clinician. Winter conducted a series of Bible studies and enrolled Grace to VOP lessons. God did it in a style. At the end of the lessons Grace found her new faith. She could not hide her Joy and excitement on her baptismal day.

Central Malawi Conference Pilots VOP Centres in Lilongwe

The Central Malawi Conference opened two Voice Of Prophecy (VOP) centers at Mgona in area 25 and Chilinde market (Area 21). The centers which are now operational since 1st of May 2016 follows a successful concept by Kabula Seventh-Day Adventist in Blantyre,  which pioneered similar projects under Malawi Union and registered a huge success compared to the traditional church based VOP schools.

But How Does a VOP Center Operate? 


A banner near the center beckons all people to this free Bible school. Any person who braches to the bench, is then given full details on what and how the school is all about, gets registered and takes the first lesson home. All completed lessons are brought back for marking and continuation. Mgona VOP center registered more than 470 people in 8 days. By 12th of June 600 people were enrolled, 119 had finished the 26 lessons and 19 were ready for baptism. This bears witness to the effectiveness of a VOP center. A full time person is responsible for running the center. The person works hand in hand to the church based VOP School. The centres can run at either church or district level. Kabula SDA stands as a good example of how a church can run a center that is not church based.

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