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                  Pastor Hendrix Kalima

Director: Sabbath School and SOP

Sabbath School is the heartbeat of the church, its vision is that every member becomes an accomplished Bible student and a soul winner in this endeavor. Every Christian becomes attached to the Lord by reading daily guide that renew our spiritual lives.

Sabbath school has three main objectives namely; to study the word, fellowship, community outreach and world mission emphasis. The department promote advance payment of study guides and encourages every church member to buy study guide.

CMC Study Guides Purchase & Selling Analysis 2013-2014.

2013 sold to members 5,000 + 6,000

2014 sold to members 7,000 + 7,000

2015 sold to members 9,000 + 10,000

2016 sold to members 11, 000 + 12,000

NOTE: The split between Jan-Jun & July- Dec in the consecutive years.

We also intensify the distribution of Sabbath School cards for all Sabbath School classes to be used for collecting personal data. These cards are sold at K200 each and are available at CMC. The spirit of inviting Sabbath School guests is essential as it increases membership. If well planned is a powerful tool for evangelism. Remember 24th September is Sabbath School Guest day in every church according to SID calendar of events.   

Publishing Department

Glory be to God always for guiding the Publishing work ever since its inception. E.G. White says, “God has ordained the canvassing work as a means of presenting our publications before the people the light contained in our books” (CM 7). This work goes everywhere in difficult and un entered areas, that’s why it is second none.

The Central Malawi Conference Publishing Department has 220 workforce and ten Assistant Publishing leaders, that toil day by day to reach every humanity. Central region has a population of over 6 million of which 75,000 are Adventist. The department is planning to train and recruit more Literature Evangelists to meet the increasing demand. We argue every church member to buy at least one copy and give free to nonAdventist friends and neighbors. It is the only way to hasten Christ soon coming.


Those also who want to join this mighty army of literature Evangelists are welcome to the fold.

Also note that missionary book of the year titled Health and wellness (Thanzi ndi Moyo wa Bwino) will be available by June end. As such, churches are encouraged to pay or deposit their money with CMC before the consignment is available on the stated period. Wishing you God’s blessings as you think about participating in this important exercise. 

The main focus of SOP is to help every church member to see the light of Spirit of Prophecy in the light context. Some of our church members do not understand Spirit of Prophecy writings as well as how to interpret them correctly. What we should know is that our God is God of order and not confusion.

 Reading from Old to New Testament, we find total agreement and harmonization of the scriptures. “And the Spirit of the Prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is

Anchor 1 Study Guides

CONTACT US            


Kaunda Road - Area 49, Next to Area 49 SDA Church, Lilongwe.


Mail: Private Bag B-516 Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Phone: 265-177-9100;  265-177-9101, Fax: +265-177-3814. 



“To spread the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to all the people of the Central Region of Malawi”



A Conference that disciples all in the Central Region of Malawi.”

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