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Lilongwe City Zone Church Leaders Trained in Effective Communication

Writer's picture: Yunos KambaYunos Kamba

Lilongwe City Zone Communicators, Sponsors and First elders gathered at Falls Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) church on 3rd February 2019 for a training in ways of effective communication. The training was organized by the Communication Department in Lilongwe City Zone.

In his presentation, the Central Malawi Conference Communication Executive Secretary Yunos Kamba said that churches need to value the importance of the Communication department.

"Church leadership should fully support the department's programs as it is a strategic arm of the Church in spreading the gospel," explained Kamba.

Kamba said that there is need for proper coordination between the leaders and the Communication secretaries.

"All departments should involve the Communication department in their activities. The Communicators have a role to portray a correct image of the Church to the world," said Kamba.

Eaton Kanyandula, Lilongwe City Zone President - Communications

Kamba further said that Communicators have a big role to play, that is to provide the Church and world with correct information through innovation, diligence, creativity; and being God fearing.

He also added that Communicators should be able to use the modern methods of communication effectively.

In an interview with Lilongwe City Zone President, Eaton Kanyandula said they organised the training to bring together Communicators and then share some of the things that can make Communication department successful.

"We included the Communication sponsors and First elders so that they too should have knowledge on how communication works at church. We need our church elders to get involved and support the department wherever necessary," said Kanyandula.

Kanyandula added that as Lilongwe City Zone Communication team, they are geared-up and committed to executing their duties of spreading the gospel to the masses through media.

He further said that Communication department is a big department because it oversees almost every program of the church, so because of the training; the communicators, the sponsors, and elders now know that they have a big role to play. Therefore, he urged all churches to make sure that they have equipment to ease work of Communicators.

Main Presenter: Yunos Kamba

One of the elders who attended the training, Godfrey German from area 25 sector 7 SDA church said he was happy with the training. He said for communication to be successful, it should start from the church level through district and zone levels to Central Malawi Conference.

"I have learnt a lot of things which I was not aware of all this time. I am happy that elders were involved and I assure you that this will boost Communication department," said German.

He further said that as elders, they will be in the forefront in providing equipment that will help Communication department.

Steve Valeta, a Communication secretary from Muonekera SDA church appreciated what Lilongwe City Zone Communication team did in organizing the training.

"I have learnt a lot of things and one of them being the duties of a Communicator. I have benefited a lot from this training and I am going to exercise the skills I have gained," he said.

Valeta added that the church should expect good fruits from him because he knows where to start from through the training he attended.

The Central Malawi Conference's Technology Manager Henry Kopa took the participants through the Conference’s website and he highlighted to them on how they can effectively contribute to its effectiveness.

CMC Communications Technoly Manager, Henry Kopa

The meeting also filled up vacant positions that existed in the Zone committee.

Wezzie Kanyinji from Sector 7, Loveness Mtunduwatha from Lumbadzi, and Lucky Mposa from Kamphuno SDA churches have been elected vice President, vice Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

To ensure proper coordination and easy sharing of workload, the Lilongwe City Zone has been restructured into four sub-zones as follows:

Zone A which consist of Falls, Area 3 and Likuni districts, chaired by Chikondi Basikolo and Matthews Katoleza.

Zone B which consist of Chilinde, Lilongwe East, Kawale, Area 23 and Biwi districts, chaired by Alexious Chimbamba and Brian Longwe.

Zone C which consist of Lumbadzi, Chiuzimbi, Area 25 and Mchezi districts, chaired by Kennedy Mitengo and Lebitia Mzingo.

Zone D which consist of Lingadzi, Area 18, Area 47 and Area 14 districts, chaired by Linda Chatepa and Weza Kamwendo.

Total of thirty-five participants attended the training.


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“To spread the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to all the people of the Central Region of Malawi”



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