Bringing in the Sheafs:116 Souls joins the remnant church in Bunda District

As one way of reaching out to many precious Souls in this dark world, the congregation of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Bunda District on Sabbath, October 17, 2020, celebrated a mass baptism program following a two weeks evangelistic campaign that took place at three centers.
The Soul winning gatherings were made possible with support from the Lilongwe SDA Central church in conjunction with the Pastors and Lay Preachers Association in the districts of Bunda and Malingunde.
The evangelistic series to communities were held at Chiunjiza,Matapa and Kamkhwani with Lay Preachers Hamuseni Tambala, Francisco Labson and Rodrick Moyo on the pulpit.

In his last day Sermon at Kamnkhwani village, Lay Preacher Moyo shared the scriptures from Psalm 118: 8 and Psalm 27: 1,2,10 where he challenged the gathering and all the converts to solely rely on the Lord which is the only place of refugee.
"Just because of your wise choice of you getting baptized today, many people will try to pull you down, lest you fall but if you cling unto the Lord, He will never leave you nor forsake you", Moyo added.
Soon after making the baptism vows in their respective centers, a multitude of the converts flocked to Malingunde Dam 2 and Diamphwi river for the actual baptism by immersion conducted in unison by Pastor Moyo of Malingunde and Pastor Brian Nthengu of Bunda respectively.
In a statement after the program, Senior group village head M'baya of Dam 2 whose center witnessed 43 Souls to Christ advised all those baptized to get hold of the Adventist faith and avoid the bad deeds through enerst prayer.
Remarks by pastors Brian Nthengu could not forget thanking Lilongwe Central Church Members, its Leadership and all the Bunda-Malingunde District Lay preachers for committing their human power and resources to help reach out to others with the messages of Hope.
Church Members from Kamsengwa whose center baptized 45 converts, Mitundu whose center baptized 28, Bunda and Kataira together with their branches took part in the closing ceremonies of these 3 center Evangelistic campaigns in Bunda District which have brought 116 Souls to Christ.
Story by : Jackson Maclay-CMC Communications