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Writer's pictureJohn Mpelule

Bringing Hope to the Masses: Hope Channel Africa

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is among the various congregations that have different entities which support the proclamation of the everlasting gospel [Mathew 28:18-20] and the end-time message [Revelation 14:6-12].

One of the important entities that supports the proclamation of the message stated above is the provision of Adventist radio and television broadcasting networks which is widely known as Voice of Hope and Hope Channel respectively.

As one way of appreciating the role of Hope Channel in Africa, the Southern African Indian Ocean Division ( SID), the Eastern Central Africa Division (ECD) and the West Africa Division (WAD) jointly commemorated Hope Channel Africa Sabbath on 12 September 2020. Bunda Church of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Central Malawi Conference responded to the day by hosting a program that aimed at highlighting the importance and benefits of having the channel within.

Speaking to the flock of the Lord in his Sermon presentation, Communicator Willan Kamangolo Mkandawire pointed out some on the critical roles that Hope Channel prays in spreading the Gospel to those in unreached areas.

Mkandawire took the congregation through scriptures from the book of 1 Samuel Chapters 2 and 4 where he openly condemned the bad mannerisms of the children of Eli of doing evil before the Lord and later made the Israel tribe perish in war for their deeds.

"Within and without are people who indulge themselves in evil ways like those of the children of Eli. We have gossipers, idolaters and thieves in the church of God today. Please repent and make yourself ready for the coming of the Lord which is at hand", Mkandawire added.

Delivering his presentation for the day, Communication Secretary Honest Thom paraphrased on key performances of the Hope Channel Malawi and challenges faced when conducting their programs.

In responding to the presentation, one of the congregants Aubrey Mkwate articulated on the need for proper broadcasting strategies that fit all viewers participation in order to ensure that there is wider coverage and balance of programs.

The Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division has Hope Channel Malawi and Hope Channel Zambia in operation, and soon Hope Channel Zimbabwe will open it's doors. This is in line with the General Conference official broadcasting channels for the remnant church which operationalizes Hope Channel globally.

Story by Jackson Maclay-CMC Communications



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Welcome to Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi!


On behalf of the 118,712 plus Seventh-day Adventists who comprise Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, I congratulate you for visiting our website. We are here to serve you. Central Malawi Conference started out as a mission field in 1964 and was first headquartered at Dedza Boma some 99 kilometers from Lilongwe and about 221 kilometers from Blantyre off the M1 road in Malawi.  Read More




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