"Re-Write The Vision,Re-Kindle The Passion" CMC President Inspires Pastors At a Workers Co
A two day workers conference for all pastors in the central Malawi Conference was opened by the CMC President,Pastor John Phiri on Monday 21st January at Mesa's lodge in Lilongwe under the theme ''Re-write the vision,Re - kindle the passion'.
In his key note address,the president took the pastors back to 2015 when a vision for the conference was shared during the launch of a five year strategic plan.He challenged the pastors to continue walking the vision since worthwhile visions take time and call for determination,perseverance and understanding.
''Walking the vision can sometimes be frustrating,people may try to pull you down,things may not go your way.It may be nasty,risky,painful and frightening.But i urge you never to give up.You need to carry on with God's plan so that when the vision gets realised,you will be part of it.Even when the going gets tough,you should be able to say i will be there for the Lord.If it delays,you should be able to say i will wait for it.It took fourty years for Israelites to get to the promised land.As a conference,lets re-write the vision and re-kindle the passion, one day we shall get to a land of milk and honey''.Said the president.
Quoting Habakuk 2:1-3,he said despite so many disapointments,Habakuk never gave up.He still believed in his dream.
In his plenary presentation,the Chief Finance Officer,PastorMacrayBowa appealed to the pastors to work deligently,effectively and efficiently.
''God has called us all.We are His tools to build this conference from good to great.Being the first conference,we are role models to other conferences.We therefore need to be heads and not tails.We need to be effective and efficient in reporting,evangelism and everything we do.''He said.
Various departmental directors presented their reports during the conference.