108 People Baptised During Mass Baptism At Ntcheu S.D.A Church

26th May, 2018 is a day to remember in Ntcheu District. The church conducted mass baptism in which it saw 108 souls who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour getting baptized. Members from all churches around Ntcheu District flocked to the main church together with their Bible class candidates in readiness for Baptism on this mass baptism day. The church, still propagating the soul winning initiative which was introduced in 2015 known as ONE MEMBER ONE SOUL is bearing fruits and these are some of them. The District Secretary Elder Masoatheka Mkumbira told the communicator that churches present on this grand occasion were Nachiye, Mpamadzi, Kasale, Mingola, Kampepuza, Malaswa, Kamzati and Kabera.

In his remarks, during welcoming ceremony of the newly baptized Christians, Pastor Ian Kaphetsa, the District Pastor who also conducted the baptism, urged them to stick to God's commandments and refrain from pagan beliefs. He did not spare a word to all Christians but reminding them that it is very important to keep an eye on the converts and encourage them politely and avoid unnecessary criticism and finger - pointing. "Let's build each other up," he concluded.