A singing group called Friends of Jesus from Ngwenya church has on 14th October, 2023 launched two music videos and their audios.
The launch started in the evening soon after closing the Sabbath and it attracted many people from around Ngwenya area. A number of supporting artists spiced the event. Some of the supporting artists include area 24 Adventist men choir, young pastors choir and Ngwenya FAM.
The guest of honour at the function, Mr Frank Chitanda who came with his spouse Memory, launched the music videos and bought a flash disc at 150,000. Area 24 Adventist men choir supported their counterparts by buying the disc at 100,000 kwacha. Many more people did the same by buying the disc up to 76,000.
The resident pastor for Lilongwe East District pastor Alfred Mlangeni and Shepherdess Esmy Mlangeni were in attendance.
"I am very happy to see that two singing groups in the district have launched their albums. First it was Ngwenya FAM and now it's Friends of Jesus. This shows that Ngwenya is a vibrant church and is helping in putting the pastoral district on the map," pastor Mlangeni said.
Friends of Jesus singing group started in 2002 with the purpose to preach the gospel through music and also helping the needy.
"We thank God that we have remained united despite facing a number of challenges in our music journey. We are proud that we have managed to minister in different churches in the country," Mrs Doriah Doreen Banda, who is one of the founding members of the group explained.
By Beatrice Buleki
CMC Media.