Updated: Aug 14, 2023
Pastor Collins Manase asked the church at Lilongwe East District to stay firm in faith , never to be shaken. Pastor Manase who is resident pastor of Kawale church was the

main guest speaker at a week long camp meeting that was held at Mchitanjiru Branch right in the area of Mchitanjiru village in Lilongwe , from 6 th August , to 12th August ,2023.
"You have received Christ , and therefore do not be shaken with anything but rather let your faith be firmly rooted in truth because nowadays there are many false prophets out there who deceive the children of God, " was a warning made by the preacher during divine service after reading a context on Colosians 2:6-7 and made a fully back up of the sermon by reading a story about King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:1 when the king's life was extended after reminding God of his good deeds.
"What do we do that will make us remind the Lord as Hezekiah did" asked the preacher emphasizing a point on how we should live a life fully connected in fear of God alone so that one day our records will stand as a witness before God.
In attendance was Pastor Gladson Bowa who is CMC Stewardship Director, Pastor Harold Chiwamba who is CMC Executive Secretary.
Other Camp Pastors Included Pastor Byson Sikelo from Kandeu church in Ntcheu district, and Evangelist Sikelo Gama Dzimbiri who came fully equipped to teach the church different lessons and the word of God.
"This is one of the best camp meeting l have experienced so far, the lessons were so touching and l feel as though we should continue and the atmosphere here , so great , " said one of the members who slept at the camping site but refused to be disclosed .
The church has been taught lessons on family life , stewardship, and how to live christian standards in our day to day livelihood.
The village heads also were in attendance and one who represented VG head Mchitanjiru, thanked the SDA for holding the camp meeting in his village and asked that they expect more of such in the village because they were touched with the messages preached by the preachers.
However the closing day was spiced up with music from different singing groups around Lilongwe East. District churches which comprises of four main churches namely Ngwenya, Kalinga , Area 24 and Area 38.
But yet during divine ,Dorcas women of the district ministered in music as well.
Story by Beatrice Buleki CMC Media