Salima Church Graduates 140 Students in VOP Bible School

Salima Church and its branches on Sabbath November 21, 2020 joined the Voice of Prophecy (VOP) department in commemorating the graduation ceremony of students who completed 26 lessons in VOP Bible School.
The ceremony was conducted in two centres namely Kavunguti branch and Salima main church where 38 and 102 students graduated respectively and 12 of the graduates were baptised.
Pastor Hendrix Kalima, the VOP Bible School Instructor and Pastor Davis Binzi who is also the Director of Publishing, Sabbath School and Voice of Prophecy department both from the Central Malawi Conference shared the centres in presiding over these ceremonies.

Pastor Kalima presided over the Ceremony at Kavunguti centre while Pastor Binzi presided over same ceremony at Salima main church.
Pastor Binzi shared the word of God from John 4 vs 29 during divine Service but the reading was from verse 3 down and Mark 10 verse 15. In his message he demonstrated how Jesus touched the heart of the woman at the Well. He pleaded with the church to follow the strategy which Jesus used to touch the woman's heart.
He stressed that as Christians, they fail to reach more people and win Souls because of poor approach.

During certificate presentation, the VOP Bible School representative gave the brief history of the School . And the students represantives Brown Chimgwede and Misheck Masautso demonstrated the power of VOP lessons by summarising lessons 7 and 21 respectively which talks much of Kingdoms from Daniel 12 and the true bible Sabbath and who changed it to Sunday.
In their remarks both Pastor Binzi and the District Pastor, Pastor Zilinde commissioned the graduates to go out and teach others what they have learnt. And they conquered that completing 26 lessons doesn't mean that they have completed the bible. They urged them to continue learning.
They further thanked the church members and asked them to bring more students in preparation for the next graduation ceremony.
Reported by Jolly Ulili