Mchinji Central Church led by Lay Preachers launched an evangelistic campaign on Sabbath 6th April 2024 at Molosiyo village in the Traditional Authority Ndawambe in the district
Guest Speaker was Evangelist Earnest Wonder Chikafumbwa whose sermon was entitled "Dziko Latanganidwa". The sermon dwelt on Genesis chapter 6. Chikafumbwa related how God was grieved in His heart that He made a man as a result of continued wickedness, with the present world."In the time of Noah God destroyed the world with flood,again this world is about to be destroyed because of its wickedness but this time with hell fire" he alluded
Chikafumbwa further said time has come to turn from sinful acts and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior.
In the afternoon, Evangelist Chikafumbwa told the gathering that the Revival was meant to launch Bible lessons called Voice Of Prophecy to the village as a way to equip them with the Bible truth. "It is my pleasure to declare that VOP school is now officially launched" Chikafumbwa declared
Seven villagers immediately registered for the school with many more who were joining as the Preachers were leaving the village.
Senior Group Village Headman Molosiyo thanked the Adventist Church for the timely Revival
Leader of delegation Evangelist George Jekapu said this was aimed at building friendship with the village in readiness for a 14 days crusade which will take place in October this year.
The function was graced by Chapter 28 Music Ministry from Mchinji Central Church, Mwenda and Sitolo branches,villagers,District Lay Preachers Chair Evangelist Eklem Phiri among others.
Earnest Wonder Chikafumbwa
CMC Media-Mchinji