Expressions of gladness and peace could be noticed from the newly converted who got baptised on 29 October 2022, after believing in Jesus and the true Sabbath of God. This was as a result of a crusade by Lilongwe East district Pastor, Alfred L Mulangeni who preached in Kalodzera Village in the area of Traditional Authority Tsabango, Lilongwe.
The crusade which started from 16 October to 29 October, 2022 was meant solely to win souls to Christ implementing the ‘I Will Go’ theme by the Church.
During the crusade Pastor Mulangeni, besides preaching, expounded scriptures to the villagers and answered questions which were open to the community so that they could understand their doubts in anything they learnt from other institutions. He also referred them to the scriptures for further understanding of the topics.
Upon closing the crusade, Pastor Mulangeni assured the people of the kingdom to come, a kingdom where Jesus Christ will reign and that no one who lives a sinful life will be found there [Matthew 5:5].
He expounded verses that prepared man's heart to receive Christ at his second coming.

In his call which attracted 73 men and women for baptism he lamented, “If among you there is someone who feels it's time to receive Jesus Christ and be baptized to live a life acceptable before God and in readiness for Christ's second coming, to be with him for 1000 years in heaven and thereafter to the kingdom everlasting, and to live eternally, may that person walk in front.”
Among them that walked to the front and got baptised were 21 non Adventist from other churches.
On the closing day of the crusade, the Music ministry was led by Ngwenya church choir, District Dorcas, and other singing groups within Lilongwe East District churches.
Lilongwe East District churches comprises of four organized churches namely; Ngwenya, Area 24, Kalinga, and Area 38 and nine branches.
By Beatrice Buleki