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Writer's pictureJohn Mpelule


The General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has introduced a new theme for this new quinquennium which is, I WILL GO.

As a way to get members equipped to live to this theme, Kasungu Central church has on Wednesday 10th February 2021, started a Preachers Club which is geared at training its members, young and old alike, to preach, teach and just have a know-how on how to present themselves and their message to people.

The church pastor, Pastor Dingani Mfune, who is the main facilitator in his opening statements said that one of the reasons he began this club is because many children and youth at the moment are not going to school because of the pandemic and so instead of having them sit around idle at home, he would rather keep them busy learning and developing skills that will help them in life but ultimately help in the work of the Lord.

"This club is here to help you live up to the theme that says, I WILL GO. You need to have the skills to go and I want to help you with that. There is no age restriction mentioned in the theme, so that means all of us have to do the work.

By the end of this year, I would love to see you either teach a lesson, preach a sermon, conduct an effort", added Pastor Mfune.

The lessons span from Public speaking, sermon preparation and delivery, interpreting the Bible and Ellen G. White writings, just to mention a few.

The youngest participant was 9 years of age.

Kasungu Central Communications Department



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Welcome to Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi!


On behalf of the 118,712 plus Seventh-day Adventists who comprise Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, I congratulate you for visiting our website. We are here to serve you. Central Malawi Conference started out as a mission field in 1964 and was first headquartered at Dedza Boma some 99 kilometers from Lilongwe and about 221 kilometers from Blantyre off the M1 road in Malawi.  Read More




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