Chapter 28 singing group from Mchinji Central church cheered about 28 needy families surrounding Mchinji township by giving them assorted items like maize flour, rice, sugar, soya pieces, cooking oil, soap among others as one way of preaching the word of God and reaching them with their physical needs.
The charity work was done after noting that at the begining of the year, a lot of people lack basic needs that can take them through the days of the first months.
Speaking after receiving the donation, Emily Daniel and Nicholas Banda appreciated the donation saying it was timely and urged the group to go on in helping others who are in need.
The chairperson for the group, Tisa Ntonyo, said as a group they were happy that the group has started the new year with helping others stressing that they have fulfilled one of their planned activity.
Laudon Million who is the sponsor of the group said it is a good initiative that the group has shown and it is important to share with others things that God has blessed them with.
The donation was made at a total amount of about K400, 000.
In 2020, the group also donated food items to the needy and it is their wish that they should be doing this every year. One of the 2020 beneficiary, Davie Banda joined the church and he is now a Seventh Day Adventist Church.
By Ernest Chikafumbwa