Thirty - two converts who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour got baptised on 30th September,2023. The baptism in Lusa River, marked the end of a two-week crusade at Sinde School ground. This led to the establishment of a new Sinde SDA Branch in Malombe district at Santhe in Kasungu.
Pastor Morgan Sato of Saiwa SDA district was the main speaker during the crusade and Pastor Dingani Mfune of Kasungu conducted the baptism.
The district pastor for Malombe District, Pastor Amos Kamzangaza declared Sinde a new branch in the area. He said that this was a milestone to the church since Sinde was an unentered area.
Pastor Kamzamgaza further urged the new members to stand firm in their newly-found faith and to share the truth they have learnt with others.
Speaking soon after the baptism, Pastor Dingani Mfune said that the baptism of the new members meant that the church in the area has grown. He therefore appealed for more sponsors to support the Evangelistic work in Kasungu which has many unentered areas.

" We may not go overseas to be missionaries but we can give the little we have to save many souls for Christ within our country. We have been discipled so that we go and make others disciples too, " Pastor D. Mfune said.
One of the newly-baptised members, Jodam Phiri, a former Presbyterian church member said that he was very excited since he had learnt about the true Sabbath and baptism and was one of baptised.
Pastor Medson Mazengera, sponsored the crusade and Voice of Prophecy programme by supporting the recruitment of a Bible worker for this unentered area.
By Yunos Kamba
CMC Media