Central & North PAKIA Takes a Fellowship Outreach Program

On Friday, 13th July, 41 pastors kids from Central Malawi Conference embarked on a trip to the north of Malawi where they spent the weekend with other pastors kids and church members from Mzuzu. Friday night saw them open the Sabbath at Mchengawatuwa SDA church and on Sabbath they spent the day at Nkhorongo SDA church.

After having done outreach programs at hospitals within the central region, this team decided to travel and visit fellow pastors kids, so that they can encourage one another. Ps. Banda, PAKIA (Pastors Kids Association) patron from the North Malawi Conference welcomed those gathered at Mchengautuwa and encouraged everyone to work hard so that together as pastors kids from the North, Central and South conferences along with all church members can meet in that heavenly kingdom.
Through the services over the weekend, testimonies were shared and music was heard coming from different choirs and groups formed by the pastors kids from the two conference with a mass choir joining their voices together to sing what has been known as the associations anthem, "Faith of our Fathers." Oh what joy it was to hear them lift up their voices in singing that great hymn while declaring that they will continue to raise high the banner that their parents have for so long carried.
Also in attendance was the Central Malawi Conference PAKIA Patron, Ps. D. Kanjadza and his wife, PAKIA president for the Union, Mr I. Kaunda and Dr. S. Mfune (G.C Associate Children's Ministries Director) who was the guest speaker during the divine service.
