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Area 47 SDA Women's Ministries Feeds 740 Patients....Take up KCH Kitchen for the Noble Cause

Writer's picture: Henry KopaHenry Kopa

The Area 47 SDA Women's Ministries department made news headlines in Malawi after they challenged themselves and volunteered to reach out with God through a hospital visitation programme where they personally cooked and served food to over 740 in-patients who are currently admitted at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe which is a referal hospital for the Central Malawi.

According to the Women's Ministries Leader, Mrs. Charity Limwame, the women prepared nutritious lunch composed of rice, beef and vegetables and with approval from the Hospital officials cooked the food with the assistance of kitchen staff at the hospital's kitchen "Annually in our plans there's hospital visitation. This year, 2017, our target hospital was Kamuzu Central Hospital and the women contributed money uncooked food items and Area 47 Church administration also assisted them financially" said Mrs.Limwame Mrs. Limwame further said that the main objective of this programme is to reach out to our brethren in Christ who are hospitalised regardless of religion, tribe and race realising that the patients need our love, support and care. She finally thanked the hospital administration and the Women Ministries department for accepting to carry out such programmes which are also contributing to one of the strategic goals of the quinqinium "Reaching Out with God" The Malawi Union Conference Director for Women's Ministries followed some of the social media posts where non-adventists were confessing having never seen such a programme as others mostly target a particular ward but not the entire hospital. The Union WM Director personally called the Area 47 leader sending a message of gratitude to all Area47 women and encouraging them not to be wearly of doing good.


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On behalf of the 118,712 plus Seventh-day Adventists who comprise Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, I congratulate you for visiting our website. We are here to serve you. Central Malawi Conference started out as a mission field in 1964 and was first headquartered at Dedza Boma some 99 kilometers from Lilongwe and about 221 kilometers from Blantyre off the M1 road in Malawi.  Read More




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“To spread the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to all the people of the Central Region of Malawi”



A Conference that disciples all in the Central Region of Malawi.”

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