AREA 47 Holds Its First Vocational Bible School

It was a delightful Sabbath morning of April 22, 2017. The sun was shining bright and the temperature was just right. The atmosphere was electric and the air was thick with love. It could have been the convicting sermons delivered by Fanisi mbozi and Virginia Khonje. Maybe the mesmerising Sabbath School presented by the young ones. Or perhaps it was our anticipation for what was coming next. Whatever the reason, we were all blessed and revived. This was the climax of a Vacation Bible School at Area 47 SDA Church titled “Tell the world: That Jesus is coming soon” which started on Sunday, April 15, 2017.

The Sabbath School was jaw dropping as Nelson Kamoyo led a team of 10 to 16 year olds in a panel discussion on one of the most difficult doctrines – The Origin of Sin. We were amazed by how panellists answered questions in ways that most adult members of the congregation (myself included) would not.
The afternoon was no different. Mrs Tariro Chinamasa anchored a wonderful presentation which in which the little ones presented what they were learning throughout the week. It made
me wish if I was a child once again as watched while trying to hide a little tear of joy in my eyes.

The afternoon ended with certificate presentations by the First Elder Jasper Meke as proud parents pause with their children for a pic to preserve that memorable moment.
