A fortnight of evangelism popularly known as 'Effort' at Katunthumba and Katozi church branches fruitfully won 18 souls to Christ in Kasungu.
The efforts were organised by Adventist well-wishers who hail from the area but meanwhile stay in other districts.Speakers at the meetings were evangelist Steven Kamzere and pastor Connects Choso.
The Efforts simultaneously started at Kamzole and Maluzi sites by Kamzere and Choso respectively on July 10, 2022.
Amongst the baptised, 7 are men while 9 are women.
Preaching to the congregants on the closing day, evangelist Kamzere in his sermon entitled "Shechaniah" read Ezra Chapter 10:1-5 where Shechaniah's son of Jezebel confessed to have married strange women to God.
Kamzere went on to call congregants to realise their sins and confess to their God as how Shechaniah did.
The baptism exercise was conducted by pastor Mchewere Banda of Mtunthama Seventh-Day Adventist main church.
Katunthumba and Katozi Seventh-Day Adventist church branches fall under Chamama District in the area of senior chief Kapelula in Kasungu.
By: Williams Kajoloweka Kaponda Contributor