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Welcome To CMC Gallery


Enjoy and be inspired as you refresh your memory on the happenings in our territory. The photo and video gallery is a compilation of the selected events captured and reported by the dedicated and active team of communication secretaries. CLICK on the picture to start

CONTACT US            


Kaunda Road - Area 49, Next to Area 49 SDA Church, Lilongwe.


Mail: Private Bag B-516 Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Phone: 265-177-9100;  265-177-9101, Fax: +265-177-3814. 



“To spread the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to all the people of the Central Region of Malawi”



A Conference that disciples all in the Central Region of Malawi.”

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