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Camera Recording in the House



Mrs Grace Mazunda, Director 

Communication ministry calls for the support of every layperson, Church employee, and Church institution. The communication department promotes the use of a sound program of public relations and all contemporary communication techniques, sustainable technologies, and media in the promulgation of the gospel. Central Malawi Conference encourages that each church should elect a communication secretary and, where needed, a communication committee

The global COVID 19 pandemic which affected governance and operations of almost every system globally did not spare the functionality of Women's Ministry in the central Malawi Conference of SDA Church. Through-out the global interventions of the pandemic, our core functions were hampered as public evangelistic campaigns were suspended. In mitigating the challenge, the department devised digital systems to reach out and save the souls. Trainings, evangelistic campaigns and other engagements were deployed using the internet, television and radio.

One of the success stories during the pandemic was an online leadership seminar where156 graduated with Andrews University.

Mitigating The COVID 19 Pandemic

Women in Digital Evangelism


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